Merry Christmas to You All!

Posted by Joanna on 6 Comments

December 20th has arrived already! This month has absolutely flown by. It’s hard to believe today is the last day of school before Christmas break. In two days, all the company will begin arriving and all of the preparations for Christmas will be finished! Well, finished or not, Christmas will be here. At lease all five (yes, five) of our Christmas trees are decorated and ready for the holidays!

Christmas tree

We have so many blessings to be grateful for this year. From the grand gifts to the small joys, we are thankful!

Candy canes

We are thankful for a warm house and basket work to keep the bills paid.

Christmas baskets

We are thankful for family and God’s grace that has reminded us of hope and joy amidst difficulties.

Christmas tree

In light of the joyful celebration of the birth of our Savior, we are most thankful for the salvation we each can share by knowing and believing that Jesus Christ paid the penalty for our sin by being born as a human and dying in our place on the cross 2,000 years ago. We are thankful that He didn’t stay in the grave, but instead He rose from the dead and offered each of us the grace to be adopted into the family of God. We are thankful to know that after this life is over, we know where we will spend eternity if we have chosen to believe God’s words in the Bible. We are so thankful that He loved us first because He is love.

Christmas trees and basket

So much joy and so many blessings. Thank You, Heavenly Father, for sending Your Son to be born as a precious, tiny little baby that would forever change the world!

Hope for the world!

Merry Christmas to you all!

Recent Comments

Merry Christmas, Joanna!!

Kathy Morris 12/20/13

It all looks so beautiful!  Wish we could all be together.  Love you all.  Merry Christmas!

Gail nyquist 12/20/13

Merry Christmas, Joanna.  Amen to what you have shared.  What blessed people we are because of what Christ did for us.  Not because of anything we have done, but He did it all. What a wonderful time of the year when we celebrate Christ’s birth.  Hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas.

Margie Hufstetler 12/21/13

Your home must be beautiful and filled with the love of the Lord.  I hope you had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends.
May blessings pour out in 2014!

Jane Kreitzer 12/29/13

God bless you for sharing your faith and generously expressing the reason for the season!  Please know that each basket created by your hands and sent so many miles away has the potential to grace a home with the presence of the God that resides within you. Your business will forever prosper as you keep your eyes on Him….I love the decorations, and especially the tower of beautiful baskets that blended perfectly.  Prayers to you and your family and may you have a blessed, healthy, and prosperous 2014…..

Patricia Ray 01/01/14

Joanna, thank you for sharing your thoughts about the real reason for Christmas.  Thanks also for giving us a peek into your home.  It is beautiful!

Kate Conroy 01/05/14

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