Basket Weaving Kits & Patterns

Basket weaving is an activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

Weaving Supplies

It is a hobby that should be shared with others – moms and daughters, sisters and sister-in-laws, grandmas and granddaughters, and with best friends. After several hours of weaving together, participants find that meaningful relationships have bonded all the while useful baskets are being created.

If you find yourself interested in weaving but not ready to jump into the wholesale supplies arena, then weaving kits might be the way to go. Each kit comes with a hard copy of the specific pattern and all necessary split-reed, accents, and handles, (minus tools and finishes), needed to complete the project.

Weaving Supplies

If you already are knee-deep into basket weaving and have seen a specific basket on our website that you’d like to make, then purchasing the pattern would be a good option. The weaving patterns (only) are transmitted via downloadable .pdf files. (If you have problems downloading a purchased pattern, please email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).)

Nearly all of the baskets on our web store are available as basket weaving kits and/or patterns. To purchase either a pattern or kit, go to the specific basket's product page that you are interested in. Located under the description paragraph you will find three tabs: BASKET, SPECIFICS and KIT & PATTERN. By clicking on the KIT & PATTERN tab, a drop down menu will appear. From there you can place the KIT (which includes a pattern) or just the PATTERN for that basket into your shopping cart. The level of difficulty for each weaving kit or pattern can be found by clicking on the KIT & PATTERN tab located on the basket’s product page.  Once you complete the check-out process, an email receipt will be sent which contains the pattern name in blue lettering.  Double-click on that and the pattern will immediately download to your laptop.  (Please be certain your device is capable of opening .pdf files).

So give a kit or a pattern a try – go ahead … you know you want to!


The Basket Blog

Basket Finishes

Posted by Joanna on 1 Comment

I have experimented extensively. Here are some of my conclusions.

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March ‘25 Free Pattern

Posted by Joanna on 2 Comments

A wooden bunny cutout decorates this painted shelf basket for the Easter holiday season. The basket is just begging to be filled with chocolate bunnies, sugary peeps,...

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February ‘25 Pattern

Posted by Joanna on 2 Comments

Many people have asked ~ so here it is, the Bottle Tote Basket. The inside of this basket has a "divider" woven up the center to separate two bottles. The Bottle Tote Basket...

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Details & Such

Teaching Schedule

Danielle teaches many classes throughout the school year in various places in eastern Minnesota. For more information and a schedule, see Danielle's Teaching Schedule, or .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

Wholesale Inquiry?

If you are interested in wholesale pricing, please .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) that has "wholesale inquiry" in the subject field.

Contact Information

.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
1422 Martha St N
Stillwater, MN 55082